Pet Finder
Our specialty is matching our customers to the right pet for them. Here is some guidance on choosing a pet.
Many people say that a dog is the most rewarding pet there is. And it is true...a dog will love you like no other pet can. Dogs are Man's (and Women's) Best Friend. At the same time, adding a dog to your household is a huge expense. The initial purchase of a dog can range from $300 to $3,000. And the costs don't stop there. Plan on spending a few thousand dollars a year for veterinary bills, food, grooming, and boarding. If this isn't in your budget, then a dog isn't right for you. Dogs also require a large time commitment. Someone should be home with the dog 4-6 hours each day (not including sleeping), and dogs can't be left alone longer than 6 hours. You need to be prepared to walk your dog three times a day.